

Two weeks ago I had an inspiring vampire themed photoshoot with amazing photographer Emmi Tulokas! I've been in love with vampires most of my life. I find children of the night very inspiring, beautiful and dramatic and I've been reading lots of different stories/myths concerning them past the years. Often I also find inspirations to my outfit coordinates & make-up from the vampire aesthetics. (I must confess that it is also one important reason for me to not getting any suntan during the summer! Being as pale as I can is cool but a bit problematic while searching for light enough bb cream/foundation cream to buy...)

This time we shoot with 3 different outfits. One "male", one "female" and one androgynous.

More of Emmi's photographing in here


April & Hogwarts

Huhtikuu, askeleen lähempänä kesää (vihdoinkin) jälleen. Tukholman jälkeen olen viettänyt tasaista hiljaiseloa tekemättä sen kummemmin mitään ihmeellistä. Aprillipäivänä en (onneksi) joutunut yhdenkään pilan kohteeksi XD

Aloitin pitkästä aikaa lukemaan maratonina kaikkia Harry Potter -kirjoja lävitse, koska alkuvuodesta satuin katsomaan maratonina kaikki kyseiset elokuvatkin lävitse. Tosin, viimeiset pari päivää olen miettinyt että haluaisin sittenkin lukea kaikki Eragon -kirjat lävitse... Well, kaikki ajallaan. Olenpahan viikossa päässyt jo Azkabanin vankeihin - joka on suosikkini kaikista HP-kirjoista.

Matkakuume on taas ruvennut kummittelemaan jossain ajatuksissani. Asiaa ei todellakaan auta se, että kovin monet tuttuni tuntuvat postailevan kirsikankukkakuvia Japanista :'D Vaikka juuri palasin Ruotsista ja aikaisemmin olin Japanissa (reissusta tuntuu olevan ikuisuus...), tuntuu että olen ollut aivan liian vähän aikaa ulkomailla.

Alkavan viikon oikeastaan ainoa huono puoli on, että kauan odottamani DIO distraught overlordin keikka peruttiin... Tässä taas näkee, miksi Suomessa ei juuri tule käytyä keikoilla *huokaus*. Niitä ei yksinkertaisesti ole. Ja ei, GazettEa en kuuntele, vaikka keikka onkin kesäkuussa.



Pääsiäisenä tuli sitten käytyä Tukholmassa pitkästä aikaa. Reissua oli suunniteltu jo useamman kuukauden ajan, joten oli ihanaa vihdoinkin päästä hetkeksi irti arjesta ja ulkomaille (niiiiiiiin kauas). Risteilyllä on aina mukavaa ja oli kerrankin mukavaa tehdä jotain "tähdellistä" juhlapyhänä - yleensä kun kiroan, että juhlapyhät ovat turhia kuin voit ainoastaan homehtua kotona.

Pitkäperjantaina Suomessa satoi vettä, räntää, kissoja ja koiria. Onneksi Silja Symphonylla tunnelma oli sentään lämmin. Ilta meni lähinnä syödessä, kaupoissa ja karaokea kuunnellessa.

Lauantai-aamuna laivan saavuttua Tukholmaan lähdimme käymään Vattenmuseet Aquariassa. En ollut koskaan käynyt tässä akvaariossa, joten oli mielenkiintoista päästä näkemään, millaisia asukkeja Ruotsissa majailee. Pieneksi pettymyksekseni paikka oli kuitenkin todella todella pieni Helsingin SeaLifeen verrattuna. Kaloja, meduusoja sun muuta elävää oli kyllä siitä huolimatta monipuolisesti ja paikka oli äärimmäisen helppo löytää. Omia suosikkejani olivat merihevoset ja rauskut (ne näyttivät hymyilevän koko ajan!)

Myrkkynuolisammakot näyttivät muovileluilta, kun eivät liikkuneet hetkeen

Rausku ujosteli kameraa
 Vesimuseon jälkeen suuntasimme vanhaan kaupunkiin. Itse halusin käydä Science Fiction Bokhandelnissa katsomassa japanilaisten lehtien valikoiman - mukaani tarttuikin toisiksi uusin KERA -lehden numero. Suunnattessamme satunnaisesti keskustaa kohti löysin itselleni myös vihdoinkin jo marraskuusta asti metsästämäni uuden tekonahkatakin Cubukselta. Sopiva simppeliä, istuvaa ja laadukasta prätkärotsia kun en ollut löytänyt mistään kovalla etsinnälläkään edellisen hajonneen tilalle...

Palatessa takaisin laivalle olin aivan poikki. Sää Tukholmassa oli ollut mitä parhain (+12 C lämmintä, aurinkoista, eikä pilviä missään) ja lepäsimme hetken hytissä ennen kuin haahuilimme päättömästi ympäri laivaa. Lopulta oli taas aika mennä illalliselle ja seurata laivan lähtöä takaisin Suomeen. Illalla taas shoppailin hieman, istuimme yökerhossa ja muuten vain rentouduimme.

Harmi, että risteily oli ohitse näin pian. Kuitenkin teki todella hyvä käydä piristymässä ulkomailla ja tekemässä hieman ostoksia - tarpeellisia sellaisia kerrankin! Lopuksi vielä pakollinen spämmi ostoksistani.

1. Nahkatakki
2. O.P.I.:n kynsilakka ja japanilaisia Q10 kangasnaamioita
3. Random lotus -kynttiläkippoja
4. Rituals -merkkinen body cream (Indian rose & Himalayan honey
6. Syötävää ja juotavaa


撮影 - Photoshoot

Tässä parisen viikkoa sitten olimme ystäväni ja valokuvaajan Emmi Tulokkaan kanssa toteuttamassa pientä projektiamme valokuvausstudiolla asti. Kuvauksen teemana oli "wa-visual kei". Sain tässä vihdoinkin tilaisuuden käyttää muutamia hieman erikoisempia vaatekappaleitani ja marraskuisesta Artism Marketista (Tokiossa) mukaan tarttuneita sarvia.

Lisää Emmistä ja hänen kuvistaan tästä linkistä

All clothes from Cutie Frash - except chiffon sleeved shirt (Black Peace Now), pants (H&M). Accesories random.

Pictures by Emmi Tulokas


Afer the World vol. 6

During this trip it was first time for me to spend my Xmas somewhere else than in Finland. For it felt that Japan has way more cooler Xmas decorations than my country! I was staying then in one of my friends place and we decided to make some traditional Finnish foods for Xmas eve. We started our grocery hunting quite early in the morning, and managed to find all we needed! We made "Karelian stew" smashed potatoes and rice porridge. We even managed to find traditional Finnish dark rye bread from one bakery in Kôenji! It was even named in Finnish XD "Hapanruisvuoka". Oh, and I went to see the newest Star Wars movie in Shinjuku 23rd day too.


This was interesting in Shibuya

What happened after Xmas? The time went so fast and I'm writing this post many months later so it's hard to remember everything. On 27th or28th December I wen to see MEJIBRAY's  instore event in Ikebukuro Brand-X store! I was so happy to meet the band and have members autographs to my copy of "Live in Hibiya" dvd.

 At least on 29th December I went to see BUCK-TICK live in Budôkan - it'sbeen a while since I was seeing any band in this big venue! The gig was OK, but I wish the band would have played more of their "older" songs. Budôkan was crowded, but it wasn't jammed badly any where. I'm grateful because of that, Japan.

On the New Years eve I was hanging around with one of my friend, window shopping and finally we made to one izakaya. After staying few hours in there I returned "home" and watched random new year's TV program, eating snacks.

On first day of year 2016 I headed to Harajuku, only seeing the massive amount of people moving everywhere hunting their "fukubukuro", lucky bags. I also randomly met few of my Finnish friends (I didn't even know that they were in Japan) lining to on shop for New Years sales. But the amount of people strolling along the streets and police shouting directions for the masses was ridiculous. I bought only one small fukubukuro from Matsumoto Kiyoshi and got fairly nice cosmetic products.

The rest of the days before my return to Finland I just tried to make my best of the time. I met frinds, went to karaoke, had picnics in the parks (yep, the weather was around +17 C during few days in January!) and worried about my heavy luggages :'D Once again I was feeling really sad, it is really hard to go back to Finland while knowing that almost nothing waits you there.But, I really hope that I'm able to return to Japan during this year. Just only for a short time would be nice.


After the World vol. 5

After almost two weeks I was back in Tokyo again. Even though it was nice to go and see finally many other cities in Japan, it felt like coming home when I was stepping out of the shinkansen. But, I headed to Ikebukuro back then with my friend to our hotel for next week. It was actually my first time having accommodation in Ikebukuro area, but it was really convenient!

For first 2-3 days we just hanged around and I tried to cure my flu. But I found these cool black masks to wear and was so happy despait the flu!

Eat all the crepes!

On one especially rainy day I was actually roaming around Ikebukuro and decided to go and see the Game centers and even try one "Nekoatsume" ufo catcher. I happened to get something out first time in my life! And I only tried 3 times. It felt amazing XD

At 11th of December I went to see D's live in Akasaka BLITZ, they had their tour final live back then with announced "special guests" that happened after all to be My Melody and Kitty-chan mascot characters on the stage, making furi with the band. The vocalist ASAGI seemed really excited then and was eager to snap few selfies with the characters ^-^ And for my surprise the weather was suddenly +24 C warm on that day too! It really felt like summer <3

And few days after D's live I had 4 more lives to go - 3 of them just after another. On 16th December I went to see DIAURA in Ebisu Liquidroom. I've seen the band two times before already but this was my first one man live. I've been following the band many years so this also was one of my dream-come-true. The band was actually super good in live and the audience was great too. The live started when their newest pv  [black sheep under the shallow sleep] was shown on big screen, after the pv DIAURA itself appeared to the stage to perform the song.

On 18th December I went to see MEJIBRAY in EX-THEATER ROPPONGI. The place was easy to find, but the concert tickets were "numbered" in funny way and we needed to stand and wait long time in cool wind for doors to open. The live was actually recorded, so there were lots of cameras in the venue. This was also my first one man for this band as well. I saw them in 2014 part of  one event.

And on 20th December I went to see a small visual-kei named MORRIGAN. I just recently found their music during the summer and wanted to see them in live. And they happened to have live in Ikebukuro EDGE. The band was amazing! I'm really looking forward for the future for them. They're actually going to have first one man tour on this year.

Well, I still have something to write... So I will continue my story in next post~


After the World vol. 4

I arrived in Fukuoka's main railway station after few hours in shinkansen. I already had some extra excitement while arriving in Shin-Osaka station to get my ticket to the next shinkansen going to Hakata... They said on the ticket counter that there are only "free seats" available (and I had a good amount of luggage with me). So, I needed to go to the platform and keep my fingers crossed for getting a seat... I was lucky and got the seat \m/

... But after arriving in Hakata I was a bit nervous while searching right train to get to the station where me & my friends hostel was. Why I didn't check that yesterday in Osaka... I gave finally a good  guess and was lucky again.

Haha, the station I finally got off the train was super small and resembled me about some school themed anime (Free! or something like that). The platform was barely 1 meter wide! And some random sweet old gentleman greeted me saying "OHAYOU" and was wondering what I was doing there.

Maybe the best view ever!

Later on the night I went to meet my friend who arrived in Fukuoka after her long flight from Finland. We bought some cheap konbini food and spend our time in the hostel.

On next morning we went to see the Canal City shopping centre and theater - also bought some Kuroshitsuji musical merchandise goods while getting our tickets for nights show.

Kuroshitsuji Musical: Chi ni moeru no Rikorisu (Lycoris that blazes the earth) was really something! I saw already the previous version from dvd (and all the previous musicals from earlier years). I was so excited to finally see one of them by my own eyes! I've been fan of Kuroshitsuji for... At least 6 years. The actors, the songs... All was so detailed and beautiful. Characters felt real and they really had some good puns in their lines :'D After the show we also got a possibility to see few of the actors near, waving us "good bye" near the exit.

Poster in the Canal City and merchandise I bought...

While having JR Rail Pass and visiting this far in Japan me and my friend decided to make also a quick visit to Hiroshima. The actually was a free buss to get around the city for Rail Pass holders named "Meipuruupu" (Maple loop). We visited in Peace Memorial park and of course the A-bomb Dome. The feeling was eerie while standing beside the A-bomb Dome. Hiroshima was relatively new-ish city compared for others, but I really liked it. Beside the best known attractions, mountains, maple trees and foods were super beautiful and good in there.

Hiroshima styled okonomiyaki!

After tourist day we retrned back to Hakata station, go some food from konbini and went to spend time to hostel and pack our things for tomorrows early shinkansen back to Tokyo. I liked also Fukuoka and would like to return here to spend few more days doing more sightseeing in the city.

Hakata station had cool Christmas decorations~

Waiting for next shinkansen to Tokyo. There are no straight shinkansen lines from Hakata to Tokyo for JR Rail Pass holders so we got of in Shin-Osaka and changed to other one towards Tokyo.